Wholemeal Bread

Wholemeal Bread
Wholemeal bread, is also known as Whole wheat bread. It is a type of bread made using flour that is partly or entirely milled from whole or almost-whole wheat grains. (Wikipedia)
Wholemeal bread is made from wholegrains that have been milled to a fine texture, giving a plain brown appearance. Wholemeal flour contains more fibre than white flour. Wholemeal bread also contains more vitamins and minerals than many white breads, but has a higher GI than wholegrain breads. (ABC News)
Nutritional Benefit of Wholemeal Bread:
According to Ministry of Health from State of Israel, Wholemeal Bread,
1. Reduce risk of mortality and morbidity from common diseases. Consumption of wholemeal bread reduces the risk of mortality and morbidity from diseases common in the Western world, including atherosclerosis, heart disease, various types of cancer, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Among other things, the chances of: Gastrointestinal tumors: 22%, Cardiovascular disease: 25%, Hypertension: 21%, Mortality after heart attacks: 31%, General morbidity: 26%.
2. Prevent constipation, reduce colon cancer risk, keep cholesterol in low level, reduce type 2 diabetes risk, anti-inflammatory, maintain healthy body weight. One of the main advantages of whole bread is the amount of dietary fibre in it. The fibres contribute to colon activity and health, prevent constipation and reduce colon cancer risk. They help maintain good levels of cholesterol, lipids and sugar in the blood and lead to a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and they also have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the fibres contribute to a sense of satiety over time and maintain a healthy body weight.
3. Slow down eating and make eating healthier Wholemeal bread requires slower and healthier eating.
4. Improve mood and mental abilities. Wholemeal bread improves mood and mental abilities due to the presence of dietary fibre and vitamins from group B.
5. Enable longer concentration and alertness. Carbohydrates in wholemeal bread release more slowly, resulting in a longer concentration and alertness. By comparison, a sandwich of whole wheat bread will improve concentration for an hour and a half while a chocolate cube will improve the concentration for half an hour.