James and Little White
True story of James and Little White.
“I am from Taiwan. I am an Australian migrant. I am a vegetarian. Being vegetarian is because my parents are all vegetarians. We are vegetarian family. In Taiwan, our family ran a Chinese herbal medicine shop. The shop’s neighbours, both right and left sides are all restaurants that provide meat-food.
One day, there was a dog came to our place. No matter how we sent him away, he always came back. We feel strange. Neighbours at left and right sides are all restaurants. If the dog went to any of the restaurants, he would be given fish bones or chickens bones from the restaurants. We are vegetarian family, don’t have any meat-food. It would be common sense that the dog went to neighbours, not us.
I decided to keep the dog. I called him “Little White”. I told Little white, there were no meat-food at our place. If you followed me, you would eat vegetables everyday as we do.
We had raised Little white for seven years. Little white was magic. People came to our place. When this person was our friends, Little white stood up, poke his two front paws, as if he was making a bow. If this person was a stranger, he would bark loudly. There was nobody at our home tell him whether that person was our friend or not. His own judgement, is exactly same as the fact.
By the time Little white die, I was at Melbourne. I received a call from my mother. She said Little white was gone. I was very upset.
At the night of the seventh day after Little white die, he came to see me. In Melbourne, I stayed in a fairly small room. It may only accommodate a double bed and a desk. But when I turned light off, it suddenly became a golden world. There was no boundary. It was a golden world that couldn’t see the boundary. I can feel the lights were extremely warm. When I saw him came back to me, I was very excited and extremely happy. He circled me and played with me. It was just like what we do in Taiwan. Then I cuddled Little white. He told me that he was very thankful for our caring on him for these seven years. The most important is we let him eat vegetables for seven years. What we eat, we will let him eat. We didn’t give him even a chance to touch meat-food. Because of the merits of eating vegetables, he had the opportunity to reincarnate to a better place. He was really appreciated. What surprised me was I understood whatever he said. It was similar to he can speak Chinese. We were together for about 10 minutes. At last he was reluctant to say goodbye. Then he left.
I want to share my personal experience to all. Being vegetarian, is so important. Little white was already in the animal realm. He could exit animal realm and reincarnate to a better place because of his merits in eating vegetables. Not to mention human beings.”
Written at year 2021
Australia/Southern Highlands New South Wales/James
Editor's note:
About six realms: We often heard people say reincarnate within six realms. What are six realms? From top to down, the six rebirth realms are gods (deva), the demi-gods (asura), humans (manusa), animals (tiryak), hungry ghosts (preta) and hell denizens (naraka). We are now in the human realm. Beings in these six realms will reincarnate. If human beings doing many kind things while they are human, they can reincarnate (start life again after die) to a better realm, such as gods or demi-gods. When people doing extremely well, they may exit six realms that don’t reincarnate again. Above gods realm, are four noble realms. From bottom to top, they are Hearers (Savaka), Pratyeka-Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas. Beings In four noble realms are not suffering from reincarnation.
In general, if fall into lower three realms below animal (include animal realm), it is very hard to reincarnate back to upper three realms. Everyone know what animal is. Hungry ghost is what commonly says as ghost. Call them hungry, is because they have large tommy and very small mouth that can’t eat, very hard. It is worse in hell denizens (commonly call the hell). Hell is a place to get punishment. Punishment is according to the types and number of evil things people do while as human. Punishment is one by one. Feeling of punishment is exactly as you still have your body. For example, people who is sex misconduct. One way of punishment is oil-fry torture. Like frying potato chips, soul body is forked into the burning oil. Burned to beyond recognition. Fork out. Then fork into burning oil again. Whatever evils human has done, are all recorded in hell. Have done once, will be punished for once. There is no discrepancy.
Little white is already in animal realm. If it was not because he ate vegetables, ascending to human realm or higher, is very difficult. It requires many times of reincarnation.
About communication between James and Little white: Many people have this experience. When somebody nearby yawn, you yawn easily as well. People who yawn and you, communicate with each other, in a way that you can’t see. Many people ask, I speak English, can Bodhisattvas understand? Actually, it is the message that get communicated, not the language. Bodhisattvas not only understand you, he can also communicate with you, using your language and your life experience, to tell you directly in dreams. Between James and Little white, they were communicating with messages, not language. When messages reaching James, they became Chinese.
James's dog at his home, is also vegan. The dog has been vegan since James has it.
James 和小白
James 和小白
佛教常识解释一下James 的经历
关于James 和小白之间的交流:很多人都有这种体会,当旁边一个人在打哈欠的时候,你很容易被感染到,跟着打哈欠。打哈欠的人和你本人通过你们看不到的方式,进行了交流。很多人说,我说英语,菩萨听得懂吗?其实,交流的是信息,不是语言。菩萨不但完全可以听懂你的话,还可以用你懂的话,你经历的事情,来托梦给你,来直接告诉你。James 和小白之间,就是通过信息,而不是语言来交流的,只不过到了James 这里,变成了中文。
James 家的狗,也是吃素的。一直是吃素的。