On 12th July 2024, the author opened up the New Auzzie Draft Plan for the second time. Due to the past experience of the conspiracies around the New Auzzie Draft Plan, the author has decided to keep everything transparent this time. (Note 1: more details.)
All emailed proposals that are sent to all senators who are currently serving in Australian government will be published in this web page.
Proposal of “Stop selling Australia”: Emailed on 12th July 2024, 4:40PM, Eastern Standard Time. (Note 2: Australian Government is short of funding for environmental fixing.)
- Re-enforce all the environmental related laws or bills that were previously passed and were lifted by the previous governments.
- A law to be passed. No more previous laws, regulations or bills that already have been passed to be lifted by any governments, any future governments or any government agencies or any parties. For a previous passed law to be lifted, national voting must be carried out. All Australian citizens must be notified and vote.
Explanation of national security and international security: Malaysia Airline flight 370 disappearance. (Note 3: Malaysia Airline flight 370 disappearance)
Proposal of Environmental fixing-tax: Emailed on 14th July 2024, 2:36PM, Eastern Standard Time. (Note 4: Proposal of Environmental Fixing -tax)
- Propose 5% GST cut for all vegan business for the first 3 years. Vegan business has taken many responsibility from Government in educating the general public to go vegan. It is extremely hard for them to thrive. As you understand, taking all Australian to vegan benefits all sectors of the community, from human health to environment. And, big savings in government spending. By cutting half of the GST payable for these vegan business, such as vegan restaurants, vegan retailers, vegan manufactures, Australian government is spending tiny to save huge. This suggested tax cut is for 100% vegan business only. The suggested tax cut is not recommended to benefit business who just have few vegan products.
- Add one category in the defined tax deductible category for Charitable organizations that promote veganism and act for saving of farming animals. The current categories of Charitable organizations that Australian Taxation Office allows for them to apply for full tax deductible donation do not have any vegan category. The charitable organization who promotes veganism or who are sanctuaries oriented have been established for years without government support. Since Australian government is still not in a good position to support the community to go vegan. It is recommended for the government to leave as much funds as possible for community based organizations. Encourage Australian to donate via full tax deductible model for veganism and to expand much need sanctuaries may save Australian government many associated cost as well. The sanctuaries need to undertake many researches too.
Limited Product liability: For all Australian products. Suggestion of one layer protection for all Australian products. Published on 14th July 2024. (Note 5: Limited Products liability)
To release Australian government from foreign coercion, small organization from media sectors is recommended to be set up. My previous communication with media sector made me understand this sector differently from the majority of general public. The media sector’s life experience is more than enough for this type of organization. It is the time to turn the adverse to favorable.
Public Awareness Test: Emailed to premiers of all states and territory. Email copied to the Hon Penny Sharpe (Minister for Climate Change and Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Energy). Email sent on 16th July 2024, 9:38PM. The emails that were sent to NSW premier Chris Minns, all of them are undelivered. Multiple email address were used. All of them returned “undelivered” notice. It seems there is no government.
“All Projects” that are submitted to all government levels must pass public awareness test first. It includes projects submitted to local councils, state governments and commonwealth government. “All projects” means, the project will result in deforestation. Or the project that government identify it will cause deforestation.
Public awareness means: All Australian residents must be notified for this deforestation result. Government allows enough time for the feedback from all Australian. All cost associated with the “public awareness” notification to be paid by the project applicant.
Government must be satisfied that Australian residents consent the project to go ahead for the rest of application process. Public feedbacks must be collected by the government and be kept in file. If the general public make enquiry later on for this project’s deforestation, government must provide track record to demonstrate the reason why government gives the green light. (Note 6: more details of the suggestion)
Importance of balancing function in legislation. This is a fast fixing that requires quite a lot of people’s efforts. (Note 7: Article on Facebook)
The importance of transparency. A glance of Australian technology. (Note 8: “Adani Threats” article on Facebook.)
Note 1: New Auzzie Plan Draft 透明的二开
Note 2: Australian Government is short of funding for environmental fixing.
Note 3: Malaysia Airline Flight 370 Disappearance.
Note 4: Proposal of Environmental Fixing- tax.
Note 5: Limited Product liability.
Note 6: Public Awareness Test.
Note 7: Importance of balancing function in legislation.
“Transparent New Auzzie Draft Plan-2nd Open-up” is the record of emailed proposals sent to Australian government. The article is written and published on veganvv website since 14th July 2024 .