The standard of veganvv is very strict. Let’s name this standard as veganvv standard.
Acceptable plants on veganvv’s food list are vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. You may refer to vegetables, fruits, grains and dried page on veganvv’s website for detail plants that are acceptable by veganvv. Plants that are not listed in vegetables, fruits, grains and dried page may also be accepted by Veganvv. The exclusions below are important.
Following plants or products are excluded by veganvv. They are:
1. Eggs of all animals include chicken.
2. Milk of all animals include cow.
3. All products that are produced by bees.
4. Plants that have allicin. Such as onion, garlic, chives, spring onion (shallot), leek, scallion, xingqu, lemongrass and all products that have these components.
5. All sea products including seaweed and seaweed spirulina. (This standard may be lifted after the condition of the ocean changes.)
6. All products that have items from 1 to 5 as ingredients.
Suggestion for labelling:
1. Label as Veganvv for products that meet veganvv’s standard. (全素 in Chinese). Colour them as pure green.
2. Label as Vegan for products and their ingredients meet exclusion 1, 2 & 3. (五辛素 in Chinese). Colour them as green with white strips.
3. Label as Veggie for products and their ingredients meet exclusion 3 and 4. (蛋奶素 in Chinese). Colour them as green with yellow strips.
4. Label as Vegetable and Dairy for products and their ingredients do not meet exclusion 1 to 6. (五辛素+蛋奶素 in Chinese). Colour them as green with both white and yellow strips.
5. Veganvv has filed our suggestion for food labelling on oil components, salt components, sugar components, acid component and alkaline component.
Our recipes are prepared in materials and ingredients that can be easily purchased as an ordinary customer in everyday life. Most of them are bought from large supermarkets, local fruit and vegetable shops and Asian grocery stores.
The large supermarkets are Coles, Woolworth, Aldi and IGA. They are the major supermarkets in Australia that are accessible to all people in Australia.
Many fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as legumes and grains are from local fruit and vegetable shops. Though they all have different brands, they can be found in your neighbourhood suburb. Many of them are in the same shopping mall of supermarkets.
Some of our material and ingredients are bought from Asian Grocery stores. They are located in many suburbs of Australian capital cities.
Yes, if the suppliers provide us with these details, we will publish them on our website.
No, if the suppliers don’t provide us with the details.
Yes, we do.
For us to promote your vegan products. The product itself must meet veganvv’s vegan standard as per Question 1, and
a) The product meets all the quarantine and labelling standard of Australia.
b) The product must label all its natural and artificial components. Human science for vegan studies is still new. People may eat something that make them very healthy or unhealthy from your products. Clear labelling will help researchers to trace the cause and develop vegan treatment plans.
c) The product is accessible to ordinary people in Australia. This means people must be able to buy it from local shops or purchase them on the internet that they can receive the products within a week.
d) Sample products have been tested by us. And we decide to promote it.
No. When the products are used in our recipes, the promotion from Veganvv is free.
Yes, when you want Veganvv to help you sell your products via Veganvv website, we will charge you to set it up.
If your product is appealing, Veganvv helps you promote them that may save your marketing cost.
It is not guaranteed that products promoted by Veganvv will be successful. There are a lot of things to determine the success of a business, such as products and services, business owner’s enthusiasm and their management skills.
We do expect many vegan business prosper in the coming decades. Hope the supports from Veganvv will speed up this prosper.
Veganvv belongs to all people in the world. Veganvv understand how critical it is now for people to become a vegan.
Veganvv is independent on any products advice. Veganvv only promote products that we have tested and tasted. And we are happy to put them into our recipes.
You may email your vegan restaurant details to us on eatout@veganvv.com. Please includes details on:
a) Restaurant Name (both in English and your local language.)
b) Address (detail address that include country, city, suburb and address)
c) Brief introduction
d) Menu
e) Of the dishes on the menu, photos that you may have.
f) Social medial contact for people to book your restaurant, such as Facebook link.
Listing vegan restaurant requires a lot of work and we are still doing it. So, please send this restaurant details to us via email eatout@veganvv.com
Please refer to question 11 for the details you may include in your recommendation. It’s just a hint. You don’t have to send the whole pack of information.
Thank you for sharing your personal vegan experience with the whole world.
If you are a vegan for more than one year. You may email your personal vegan experience to truth@veganvv.com You may include one of your personal photos together with your experience if you wish. This is optional.
Please write article on how vegan has physically and mentally changed yourself as a person.
Only personal vegan experience articles are to be published on veganvv.com.
We will refuse to publish articles that has unethical and or ill nature.
All nutritional benefits in our videos and our website are extracted from publishers who are in google first page ranking. All these articles are either evidence based and or quote medical resources, based on which they have come up with the conclusions of the health benefits. This is regarded as a common practice in medical fields.
We have noticed that health and nutritional benefits of many plants are discovered by scientists and medical researchers long time ago. It’s a pity that general public are not aware of these findings.
2 cup = 500ml
1 ½ cup = 375 ml
1 cup =250ml
½ cup = 125 ml
1/3 cup = 85 ml
¼ cup = 62.5 ml
2 tbs = 30 ml
1 tbs = 15 ml
½ tbs = 10 ml
2 tsp = 10 ml
1 tsp = 5 ml
½ tsp = 2.5 ml
¼ tsp = 1.25 ml
All the documentary videos that we referred to in “About us”, are evidentially showing you the tragic lives of animals. We don’t recommend you to view these videos as many of us are scared when viewing.
Cow refer to “Inside The Slaughterhouse” published by The Vegan Uprise.
Pig refer to “Life of pigs- investigation at Latvian pig factory” by Dzivnieku briviba.
Chicken refer to “How slaughterhouses kill thousands of chickens an hour” by Animals Australia.
Sheep refer to “Vegan Witnesses INSANE Halal Slaughter” by Joey Carbstrong.
Calf refer to “Dominion (2018) – full documentary (Official) “ by Farm Transparency Project.
Little rooster refer to “Dominion (2018) – full documentary (Official) “ by Farm Transparency Project.
Rabbit, fish and more refer to “Dominion (2018) – full documentary (Official) “ by Farm Transparency Project.