Benefits and Recipes
Durian, is also known as butter durian, cat mountain king, Rajah Kunyit.
Nutritional Benefits of Durian:
According to article by Tan Mei Chian and Shyamala Asohan from UTM (University Technology Malaysia) and is published on UTM institute of Bioproduct Development, Durian,
To listen to this article, click below button:1. Durian relieves anaemia and promotes healthy pregnancy. Anaemia is a medical condition that reduces the level of haemoglobin on blood. Deficiency in haemoglobin can lead to fatigue, headache, insomnia and etc. Durian contains high amount of folate or folic acid which is essential in the production of haemoglobin. Presence of folate in durian is important for pregnant woman as it promote regular tissue growth as well as protects the brain and spine in developing baby. Other ease anemia natural foods.
Other natural foods about pregnancy.
2. Durian helps to maintain healthy bones. Durian contains a number of trace metals including calcium and potassium. Potassium is required for the development of healthy bones. Even though the most abundant mineral of our bone is calcium, but potassium is crucial to regulate the distribution and deposition of the calcium in bones so that it is not dissolved or released into the blood excessively. Other natural foods that are good for bones.
3. Durian helps to alleviate depression and improves sleep. Durian contains amino acids known as tryptophan – a natural sleep-inducing compounds. Tryptophan is required to increase the level of serotonin and melatonin. These two neuro-chemicals are required to manage our emotions. Serotonin is essential to relieve stress, sleeplessness, anxiousness, appetite as well as depression. In addition, these types of hormones help to manage sleeping function and could be utilized in the epilepsy cure. Other call for “ease depression” natural foods.
Other “sleep well” natural foods.
4. Durian may fight cancer. Durian has a wealth of vitamins, nutrients, and organic chemicals that function as antioxidants. Free radicals can destroy the DNA of regular cells and convert them into cancer cells, which can then metastasize or form fatal, tumorous growths. All of the antioxidants which reduce oxidative stress on the organs of the body are bonuses to the immune system, and durian is packed with them, including vitamin-C, vitamin-B complex, and vitamin E, as well as phytonutrients that battle cancerous cells. Other natural foods that may go against cancer.
Other supporting immunity plants.
5. Durian aids in digestion. Durian contains high levels of dietary fibre, which are important for the normal function of the digestive system. Other digestive healthy food.
6. Durian has anti-aging effect. Eating an excessive amount of durian can seriously boost your body’s ability to eliminate those free radicals, thereby reducing the chances of premature aging and delaying the appearance of symptoms such as wrinkles, age spots, macular degeneration, hair loss, tooth loosening, arthritis, cancer, and heart disease. Other skin care and anti-aging natural foods.
Other natural loving eyes foods.
Other natural foods that support healthy hair.
Other natural foods that are good for the teeth.
Other natural foods that may alleviate arthritis.
Other natural foods that may go against cancer.
Other helping heart natural foods.
7. Durian can increase and encourage fertility. Estrogen is a hormone which helps in conceiving. Studies have shown that durian contains a high level of this hormone and can act as an herbal medicine.
8. Durian is traditionally used for antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor. According to traditional use, durian may have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and vasoconstrictor properties. Traditionally, durian leaves and roots are in Malaysia used to treat fever. The juice of fresh leaves is used as an ingredient in a lotion for fevers, and the juice from the bark is used as an antimalarial in Sumatra. The Javanese also believe that durian has aphrodisiac properties. In addition, durian leaves are considered anthelmintic and are used for jaundice treatment. Decoctions of the leaves and fruits are used to treat swelling and skin conditions. Other anti-inflammatory natural foods.
Other skin care and anti-aging natural foods.
9. Durian husks are used as fuel or fertilizers for tree, making handmade paper and mosquitoes repellent. Durian husks which are usually thrown as wastes after the durian pulps are consumed can be dried to be used as fuel or fertilizers for tree. It can also be used as an ingredient for making handmade paper like artistic paper with certain pattern. Due to the strong smell, durian husks can be used as the natural mosquitoes repellent.
10. Durian peel can recover oil spill. Dr. S. Kathiresan from AIMST University discovered that durian peel can be used as a mean to recover the oil spill at coastal areas. In this case, the durian peel powder is chemically modified and acts as the efficient oil absorbent to remove the oil from the water, solving the problem of oil spills which have caused adverse effects to living sea organisms and human economic activities.
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Do you know? Heterocyclic amine is a chemical that is formed when meat, poultry, or fish is cooked at high temperatures, such as frying, boiling, and barbecuing. “Heterocyclic amines” are carcinogens (substances that may cause cancer). It is also called HCA. Source: National Cancer Institute (of United States)