Benefits and Recipes
Kumquat, is also known as round kumquat, Marumi kumquat, Morgani kumquat.
Nutritional Benefits of Kumquat:
According to article by Rachael Link (MS.RD) on 1st December 2023 and is published on “Dr.Axe“, Kumquats,
To listen to this article, click below button:1. Kumquats are rich in antioxidants. Kumquats are rich in disease-fighting antioxidants that can help promote better health. Additionally, kumquats are also the only citrus fruit that can be consumed with the peel, which contains an even more concentrated amount of antioxidants than the pulp. Consuming a serving or two per day can help ward off disease and improve overall health.
2. Kumquats boosts immunity. Like other citrus fruits, kumquats are rich in vitamin C, an important nutrient that brings some big benefits when it comes to boosting immunity. In fact, one study conducted in Switzerland showed that getting enough vitamin C could help improve the outcomes for conditions such as diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia. Plus, vitamin C was able to improve symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory infections, such as the cold, as well. Other supporting immunity plants.
Other natural foods that assist respiratory system.
3. Kumquats supports digestive health. One of the biggest kumquat benefits is its impressive fiber content. Fiber helps add bulk to the stool to keep you regular and prevent problems like constipation. Fiber may also benefit other aspects of digestive health as well, with some research showing that it could protect against inflammatory bowel disease and prevent intestinal ulcers. Not only that, but some studies have also found that a high-fiber diet is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer as well. Other digestive healthy food.
Other defending colon cancer natural foods.
4. Kumquats aids in weight loss. Kumquats are low in calories yet high in fiber, making them an excellent addition to a weight loss diet. Other natural foods that can help managing weight.
5. Kumquats is associated with lower cancer risk. Thanks to their incredible antioxidant content, it’s no wonder that eating citrus fruits like the kumquat has been associated with a lower risk of cancer. In fact, citrus fruits like kumquats, oranges, lemons and limes are often considered some of the top cancer-fighting foods that you can add to your diet. According to one study out of Korea, frequent consumption of citrus fruits was linked with a 10 percent lower risk of breast cancer. Other studies have had similar findings, showing that eating citrus fruits has been associated with a lower risk of pancreatic, esophageal and stomach cancer as well. Other natural foods that may go against cancer.
Other defending breast cancer natural foods.
Other defending stomach cancer natural foods.
6. Kumquats help relieve coughing. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kumquat is thought to help relieve coughing and remove phlegm from the throat. Other natural foods that assist respiratory system.
7. Kumquats aids in detoxification, promote hydration and stimulate saliva. The Ayurvedic diet, meanwhile, promotes eating seasonally, so it’s best to enjoy kumquats between November and March when they’re at their peak. Like other citrus fruits, the kumquat is considered refreshing, alkalizing and highly nutritive. It’s also thought to aid in detoxification, promote proper hydration and stimulate the production of saliva. Other detoxifying natural foods. or natural foods with detoxification function.
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Consumption of new food (Click to read more)
Do you know? Heterocyclic amine is a chemical that is formed when meat, poultry, or fish is cooked at high temperatures, such as frying, boiling, and barbecuing. “Heterocyclic amines” are carcinogens (substances that may cause cancer). It is also called HCA. Source: National Cancer Institute (of United States)