

Persimmon, is also known as the Sharon fruit.

Nutritional Benefit of Persimmon:

According to article on “Nourish by WebMD”, Persimmons,

1. Help support the immune system and protect against heart disease. Persimmons are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which each provide important health benefits. For example, vitamin C helps support the immune system and protect against heart disease.

2. Prevent spikes in blood sugar. Persimmons are high in soluble dietary fiber, which slows the digestion of carbohydrates, preventing spikes in blood sugar.

3. Help reduce risk of heart disease. Persimmons can help keep your arteries clear and reduce the risk of heart disease. Atherosclerosis refers to the hardening and narrowing of arteries, and one study found persimmons rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and minerals that are part of an antiatherosclerotic diet.

4. May help treat high cholesterol. One component of persimmons, its tannin-rich fiber, has proven particularly effective in treating high cholesterol.

5. Keep eye healthy. Persimmons can help you keep eyes healthy. One serving contains more than half the recommended daily intake of vitamin A, which is important to vision. In addition, persimmon peel is rich in lutein, which is known to help protect against eye disease.

6. Diabetes prevention and reduce risk of complications. The peel of a persimmon contains flavenoids that have proven to have antidiabetic and antioxidant properties. They protect against the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), harmful compounds that form when protein or fat combines with sugar in the blood. AGEs have been linked to both the onset of diabetes and to long-term health complications resulting from the disease.

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