Pomegranate, is also known as Punica granatum.
Nutritional Benefit of Pomegranate:
According to article by Mr.Joe Leech (MS) on 15th August 2018, published on “Healthline”, Pomegranate,
1. Are loaded with important nutrients. The pomegranate is a fruit that contains hundreds of edible seeds called arils. They are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and bioactive plant compounds, but they also contain some sugar.
2. Contain two plant compounds with powerful medicinal properties. Punicalagins are extremely potent antioxidants found in pomegranate juice and peel. They’re so powerful that pomegranate juice has been found to have three times the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea.
Punicic acid, found in pomegranate seed oil, is the main fatty acid in the arils. It’s a type of conjugated linoleic acid with potent biological effects.3. Has impressive anti-inflammatory effects on many serious diseases. The punicalagins in pomegranate juice have been shown to reduce inflammation, one of the leading drivers of many serious diseases, including cancer and diabetes.
4. May help fight prostate cancer. Preliminary evidence indicates that pomegranate juice can be useful in men with prostate cancer, potentially inhibiting cancer growth and lowering the risk of death.
5. May be useful against breast cancer. Laboratory studies suggest that pomegranate extract can help fight breast cancer cells, but human studies are needed.
6. May lower blood pressure. Regular intake of pomegranate juice has been shown to lower blood pressure levels in as little as two weeks.
7. May help fight arthritis and joint pain. Studies in animals and isolated cells indicate that pomegranate extract may be beneficial against several forms of arthritis, but human research is needed.
8. Pomegranate juice may lower your risk of heart disease. Several human studies have shown that pomegranate can have benefits against heart disease. It improves your cholesterol profile and protects LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage.
9. Pomegranate juice may help treat erectile dysfunction. Pomegranate juice has been linked to reduced symptoms of erectile dysfunction, but more research is needed.
10. Can help fight bacterial and fungal infections. Pomegranate has antibacterial and antiviral properties which may be useful against common gum diseases and yeast infections.
11. May help improve memory. Some evidence shows that pomegranate may improve memory in older adults and post-surgery. In addition, studies in mice suggest that it may protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
12. May improve exercise performance. As a rich source of nitrates, pomegranate may improve exercise performance by increasing blood flow.