The next 100 years, are the retribution years of the earth. The retribution is very intense for the following one hundred years.
Human beings are the major responsible creature. Since human being profligates the natural resource of earth massively, this creature is bearing the bullets in the retribution.

Human beings are not the only creature who bear the bullets. Other creatures on the earth bear the bullets together with human beings.
Extreme weather conditions continue to appear without mercy.

Disease that never seen before hit human beings one after another.
Animals and other species suffer together with human beings.
Since not enough actions have been taken to turn the condition around, the period of retribution last longer.
Everybody on full vegan diet globally is just the first basic step to turn the condition around.

From then, in order to save the natural resources of the earth, more actions need to be taken. Water on earth need to be purified. Soils need to be protected to their best status. Trees in variety need to be planted back to soil. Human beings’ hearts need to be cultivated and cleaned so that they can support this turning around.

In this 100 years, new careers are come up massively. Many of these careers will be the methods of saving the natural resources of the earth.
The scale of these actions to save the earth determine the surviving rate of the earth. They also determine the surviving opportunity of all the creatures on earth, including the human beings.
Article published on 13th January 2023 for general public. Published on veganvv on 26 October 2023.