Red Cabbage
Benefits and Recipes
Red cabbage
Red cabbage, is also known as red cabbage, Blaukraut.
Red cabbage, is also known as red cabbage, Blaukraut.
Nutritional Benefits of Red Cabbage:
According to article from WebMD Editorial Contributor on 11 July 2023, which is medically reviewed by Jabeen Begum (MD), and is published on Nourish by WebMd, Red cabbage,
To listen to this article, click below button:1. Red cabbage keeps your heart healthy. Diets high in anthocyanins, like those found in red cabbage, are linked with lower blood pressure. They’re also linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disease. Other natural foods that help to control blood pressure.
Other helping heart natural foods.
2. Red cabbage protects our brain. They may help people with dementia. . One study linked anthocyanins to increased blood flow in areas of the brain linked to attention, language, and memory. Another suggested they could aid memory and speech in people 70 and over who had mild or moderate dementia. Other supporting brain healthy natural foods.
Other improving memory natural foods.
Other natural foods that are helpful for Alzheimer’s diseases or Dementia.
3. Red cabbage is important for bone health. Red cabbage contains a variety of nutrients that are important for bone health, that includes Vitamin D, calcium, vitamin K and magnesium. Other natural foods that are good for bones.
4. Red cabbage may keep your digestive system healthy. All cabbages are high in fibre. Fiber helps keep food moving through your digestive system and reduces constipation. Other digestive healthy food.
5. Red cabbage helps you to control weight. Cabbage may also help with weight loss because it’s low in calories, has a high-water content, and is a good source of dietary fibre. These things help you feel full without too many calories. Other natural foods that can help managing weight.
6. Red cabbage may prevent colorectal cancer. Cabbage and related vegetables such as kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts contain high levels of a chemical known as indole-3-carbinol. Scientists believe this chemical may play an important role in preventing several types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Other natural foods that may go against cancer.
Editor’s view (Click to read more)
Consumption of new food (Click to read more)
Do you know? Heterocyclic amine is a chemical that is formed when meat, poultry, or fish is cooked at high temperatures, such as frying, boiling, and barbecuing. “Heterocyclic amines” are carcinogens (substances that may cause cancer). It is also called HCA. Source: National Cancer Institute (of United States)