Bitter Melon
Benefits and Recipes
Bitter Melon
Bitter Melon, is also known as Momordica charantia, bitter gourd, Balsam pear and Bitter cucumber.
Nutritional Benefits of Bitter Melon:
According to article written by Ms.Rachael Ajmera (MS.RD) updated on 6th April 2023, and is published on “Healthline”, Bitter Melon,
To listen to this article, click below button:1. Bitter melon is packed with several important nutrients. Bitter melon is especially rich in vitamin C, an important micronutrient involved in disease prevention, bone formation, and wound healing. It’s also high in vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes skin health and proper vision. Bitter melon provides folate, which is essential for growth and development. Other natural foods that are good for bones.
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2. Bitter melon can help reduce blood sugar. Bitter melon has long been used by indigenous populations around the world to help treat diabetes-related conditions. Bitter melon is thought to improve the way that sugar is used in your tissues and promote the secretion of insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Other natural foods that help to control blood sugar.
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3. Bitter melon may have cancer-fighting properties. Test-tube studies show that bitter melon may have cancer-fighting properties and could be effective against stomach, colon, lung, nasopharynx, and breast cancer cells. Other natural foods that may go against cancer.
Other defending stomach cancer natural foods.
Other defending colon cancer natural foods.
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4. Bitter melon could decrease cholesterol levels and support heart health. High levels of cholesterol can cause fatty plaque to build up in your arteries, forcing your heart to work harder to pump blood and increasing your risk of heart disease. Animal studies show that bitter melon extract may decrease cholesterol levels, which could help support heart health. Other natural foods that may help to control cholesterol.
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5. Bitter melon may help weight loss. Swapping higher-calorie ingredients with bitter melon could help increase your fiber intake and cut calories to promote weight loss. Other natural foods that can help managing weight.
Editor’s view (Click to read more)
Consumption of new food (Click to read more)
Do you know? Heterocyclic amine is a chemical that is formed when meat, poultry, or fish is cooked at high temperatures, such as frying, boiling, and barbecuing. “Heterocyclic amines” are carcinogens (substances that may cause cancer). It is also called HCA. Source: National Cancer Institute (of United States)